A capital idea. Il Fiorino in Mexico City.

A capital idea. Il Fiorino in Mexico City.

“Every time we fly out of Mexico City Airport, I want to arrive the day before and have dinner at Il Fiorino.” Don Day’s Wife said that to me last week. And, when I pointed out to her that the cost of the hotel would add another two or three thousand pesos to the cost...
Feels like home again. At Firenze.

Feels like home again. At Firenze.

I had no one to blame but myself. Oh sure, I could blame that mean and nasty Covid. But Covid hadn’t really been that nasty to me for over a year. I guess it was what’s been plaguing mankind since creation. That wanting to taste the latest instead of sticking to the...
Climbing up the food ladder. At Hacmans.

Climbing up the food ladder. At Hacmans.

Despite it being located just up the street from my home, it took me a while to get to Hacmans Amatte. There were a few reasons.  I’d watched (and listened and listened and listened) to them building the place for about four years. I thought at first it was a new...
“Like walking into a hug.” At Casa Nostra.

“Like walking into a hug.” At Casa Nostra.

It was November and, in November, Don Day’s Canadian friend Peter goes deer hunting. And in November, Don Day’s Wife always has the same message for Peter, “Don’t let the butcher trash those shanks; bring ’em on home to me.” This November, Peter was in Canada, we were...
ODing on fresh truffles at Casa Nostra. And loving it.

ODing on fresh truffles at Casa Nostra. And loving it.

It’s always been a problem with Don Day’s Wife and I. I want to do it, she doesn’t. I’m talking, of course, about splurging on truffles. “They’ve got fresh ones at City Market, Honey. They’re only $12,000 a kilo. We could get a second mortgage.” Yes, they’re an...