A trip to Jalisco. Without the seven hour drive.

A trip to Jalisco. Without the seven hour drive.

I’m not sure how it escaped the fanatical Mexican foodie. But I had never tasted it before in my life. Never had even heard of it in my life. The dish was karne en su jugo. Or as it’s usually spelled, carne en su jugo. Or, as a language-challenged guy like...
One of my favorite San Miguel fish shops is a liquor store.

One of my favorite San Miguel fish shops is a liquor store.

It’s not my very best favorite pescaderia. That honor goes to La Isla. Either at their new shop in Casa Collectiva or at their stand each Saturday at the San Miguel de Allende Organic Market. La Isla is, in fact, the only local retailer I know that, each week,...

A very good Reuben in San Miguel de Allende. At 10% off.

I had lunch with Lou Christine last week. If you spend any time in San Miguel bars you may have seen Lou Christine. Lou is the guy in the hat. The guy in the ever present hat. I’ve always wondered what Lou kept under his hat so, last week, I suggested we have...
Cumpanio the restaurant. Almost as good as the bakery.

Cumpanio the restaurant. Almost as good as the bakery.

It was a mystery that absolutely fascinated me. I’d stand on the other side of the street, on the north side of Calle Correo, and I’d watch. On the left was a business called Cumpanio. With a never ending stream of customers snaking their way in and out...