Think small. Think Victoria’s.

Think small. Think Victoria’s.

Don Day is a man. And many men…OK, make that almost every man…likes certain things a little larger than the norm. But there are exceptions to that rule. And I have one big exception. It’s restaurants. I dislike almost every big restaurant. No make...
My big fat Greek lunch. In the middle of Mexico.

My big fat Greek lunch. In the middle of Mexico.

True confession. I was once in love with someone called Danny. And no, it wasn’t a woman with the name Danielle. In fact, even though Danny possessed all the magnetism of a woman’s wiles, Danny wasn’t a woman at all. Danny or, more commonly, The...
De Temporada. Different but delightful.

De Temporada. Different but delightful.

You can take the boy out of the city. But you can’t take the city out of the boy. I was 25 years old when I landed my first big job. I had somehow wheedled (I think the word has an h) my way into becoming editor of a magazine called Canadian Farming. Always...
Tacos al pastor. A religious experience in San Miguel de Allende.

Tacos al pastor. A religious experience in San Miguel de Allende.

Did you know that October is Pastor Appreciation Month? Really. So in honor of this wonderful way of cooking pork, I suggested I take Don Day’s Wife for an extravagant lunch at San Miguel’s Tuesday Market so we could pay homage in harmony. Recognizing the...

The very best avestruz restaurant in all of San Miguel de Allende

I’d passed it perhaps twenty, maybe even thirty times over the years. But today we were actually going. It was our final and only destination. The restaurant had intrigued me every one of those times we’d passed by. There were more signs outside than in...
The cabs I’m hailing these days.

The cabs I’m hailing these days.

“Darling, I don’t know if it’s me or the wine talking, but I think we should open another bottle of wine.” Don Day did take a year of economics in college. And, though he read a lot more Patti Smith than Adam Smith, he did understand the law of...