A taste of the other side of life in San Miguel de Allende.

A taste of the other side of life in San Miguel de Allende.

You’ve probably seen the sign when you’re coming into San Miguel de Allende. The sign that says Population: 140,000. Then you look at the size of the town and think. But where are they? There isn’t room for 140,000 people. There’s a reason. The...
Oooooooooeeeeeeeeeee! I’m a sommelier. I’m a sommelier.

Oooooooooeeeeeeeeeee! I’m a sommelier. I’m a sommelier.

“And what would you like to be when you grow up, Don Day? A doctor? A lawyer? An astronaut? A fireman?” “No teacher, I want to be a sommelier.” “But Donny, I think you have to be born in a country in Northeastern Africa to be one of...
Catching a little swine fever at Pork Belly.

Catching a little swine fever at Pork Belly.

I had lunch with Bonnie Boden last week. Bonnie is my female friend of longest standing. So she’s obviously a woman with an enormously high tolerance level. Except when it comes to food. There she can be a little picky. And I will never forget the first time I...
Mi Casa es tu casa for some magical music in San Miguel.

Mi Casa es tu casa for some magical music in San Miguel.

We took the bus down to Centro last night. If you take San Miguel buses, you’ll know that often they come complete with a little showbiz, usually a guy and a guitar who, as the bus rocks and rolls over the cobblestones, finds it more difficult to stay on his...