The chairs were being piled on the tables. The signs were starting to lean as much as those of us who’d sampled and judged all of the margaritas. And I stumbled out thinking the glory days are back. The biggest and best social event in San Miguel de Allende has been revived.


Having competed at Chili Cookoffs in the past. And knowing what hell you go through up to and during the event…should we add a little more cumin?…I’m thinking Hungarian paprika instead of Spanish, I had to pay tribute to the winners.

So here they are from third to first, just like on the Miss America contest but without the tiaras (which always seem to slip off no matter how much hairspray is trying to hold them there).

The top three winners this year all came from restaurants.

In third place was a contestant who was down near the end of Chili Cookoff line and a lot of us (including me) missed tasting, Aguamiel.

In second place was what restaurant owner Stewart Haverlack from Zumo called “gourmet chili” and I called extraordinarily good chili but only the second best chili.


And the winner. It was from a restaurant I only started frequenting about three weeks ago (what the hell took me so long?). The name of the restaurant is ChupAlitas.

I cornered Debra and Joe Ingram, the owners of ChupAlitas and asked them for their secrets (knowing I might be back in the competition next year, coming out of retirement with a vengeance).


Debra told me, “It was all about the dried chilis. We used guajillos, pasillas, arboles, cascales and one I can’t remember…how I can remember what everything was, I’m too excited about winning.”

“The cinnamon stick”, added Joe, “that made one heckuva difference, tell him about the cinnamon.”

“I’d rather just tell him it was your recipe”, said Debra, “all I did was prep and cook it.”

And the real secret to their chili? I think it was all of the tasty fat. And where did that come from?

“That was probably because we used pork rather than beef”, said Joe.

“Seven kilos of pork leg”, said Debra.

I had Chupalitas in first place. And Don Day’s Wife had them in first place. As did almost everyone else at our table.

Congratulations, Joe and Debra. Amazing chili. Hope you’ll be serving it in your restaurant for now and ever after.

ChupAlitas is located upstairs at Ancha de San Antonio #3 in San Miguel de Allende. It’s obviously worth climbing the stairs.