No, I’m not going to tell you which restaurants they are. You’re going to tell me. For it’s time again for the SMART awards, the annual event where I ask Don Day in SMA readers to share with me their very best favorite restaurants. SMART stands for San Miguel de...
A few…maybe more than a few…years ago, Cheryl Young, a writer and friend of mine was going to a lunch at a new restaurant called Aperi. As it was a “ladies lunch” and as I wasn’t invited, I asked if she would write about it on my blog; she agreed. A few days ago,...
I still fondly remember Bhaji’s first home in San Miguel, a classy and cosy little spot hidden behind heavy velvet curtains on Calle Correo. I loved going there, especially with a group of good friends. Indian cuisine is like that. Better when shared. Best when...
A great restaurant is a combination of many things. First of course, for almost everyone, is the food. Second in importance for me is value, what I get for the price that I pay. Third comes service, being treated efficiently, gracefully and respectfully. And then...
Back in December 2021, I said to Don Day’s Wife, “A pizza parlor with no pasta and no delivery. Not a snowball’s chance in hell it’ll survive. I give it one year, absolute max!” The place I was talking about was called Bennu. They recently celebrated their third...
I don’t think I’ve ever seen him pick up an empty plate from a table without saying the words. “Did you like it?” He, of course, almost always, gets a positive response and, almost always, he beams. The guy I’m talking about is Gerardo. A guy we call Gerry. Not...
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