“I know you’ve written about it before. But you’ve got to write about it again. Nobody reads what you wrote three years ago. When it’s this good it deserves repeating.” Don Day’s Wife said that. In a tone of voice that could be almost called raised. We were at Hank’s...
You’ll find it in quite a few countries. With quite a few different names. The one most internationally talked about is bresaola, the one from Northern Italy. The one I’m going to talk about is cecina, the one you’ll find here in Central Mexico. I decided to talk...
Poor old pork. Always the bronze medalist. Always seeming to lag behind behind beef and chicken in the popularity poll, despite it often being half the price. That thought was spinning through my head again last week. I was lunching at the relatively new to San Miguel...
When I was a little kid, I was raised mostly by my grandparents. And, when I was a little kid, I had a favorite treat. It was called an ice lolly. And it combined fruit juice, sugar and this amazing invention called ice. Now this invention may not seem particularly...
There’s a guy in town called Tony. I don’t know Tony very well. But I know Tony’s from Buffalo. Which gives us something very much in common. Because I’m from a suburb of Buffalo called Canada. As a once-teenaged Canadian, I lived in a land where people were not...
So there I was, standing in arrivals at Mexico City airport, after five hours of being sardined into a middle seat, now standing and watching an empty carousel rotate for an hour. “I better go and try to put the brakes on the shuttle”, said Don Day’s Wife. “We’ll...
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