The cabs I’m hailing these days.

The cabs I’m hailing these days.

“Darling, I don’t know if it’s me or the wine talking, but I think we should open another bottle of wine.” Don Day did take a year of economics in college. And, though he read a lot more Patti Smith than Adam Smith, he did understand the law of...
Seven ways to commit one of the seven deadly sins in San Miguel.

Seven ways to commit one of the seven deadly sins in San Miguel.

Forgive me father for I have sinned. Since my last confession I have committed gluttony on at least seven occasions. You see, in San Miguel de Allende, there are so many good restaurants with so many great desserts to lead me astray from the paths of righteousness. It...
The woman who built the best restaurant in San Miguel de Allende.

The woman who built the best restaurant in San Miguel de Allende.

Josefina Quintera and Don Day don’t have a lot in common. But there are two things. Both of them came to San Miguel de Allende about ten years ago. And they both fell in love. The object of their affection was not someone they wanted to hold or caress. But their...
Paprika Restaurant. Put them in coach. They’re ready to play.

Paprika Restaurant. Put them in coach. They’re ready to play.

A couple of months ago Don Day was successful in talking Don Day’s Wife into doing something she’d never ever done before. It wasn’t of course easy. I had to use slightly devious, somewhat shady methods that people with greater moral standards than I...
There’s a fungus among us. In San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

There’s a fungus among us. In San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Don Day thinks it’s definitely time to give the Mexican truffle its place in the sun. Mexican truffle? You’ve never heard of it? Well, neither had Don Day until about ten years ago. Mexican truffle is one of the names it’s known by. To North American...
Tannat, the wine. Tannat, the restaurant. Tasty stuff.

Tannat, the wine. Tannat, the restaurant. Tasty stuff.

Don Day only lived in France for a short time. But it was enough time for a long romance. The object of Don Day’s deep affection was called Madiran. Every Sunday, Don Day and the rest of the escapees from the asylum (what the locals called the expats) would host...