I’ve stopped whining. Chianti has finally come to San Miguel.

I’ve stopped whining. Chianti has finally come to San Miguel.

We didn’t give a wino’s whistle what was inside. We bought it for the fiasco, which is what the bottle inside the raffia basket that it came in was called. And how appropriate that this unusually shaped bottle wrapped in straw shares its name with a word...
Oso Azul. Perking up the reputation of Mexican coffee.

Oso Azul. Perking up the reputation of Mexican coffee.

A head-scratcher. That’s what I would have called it when I was a kid. Before I’d learned words like conundrum and enigma. I’m talking about coffee and Mexico. Here’s a country that experts believe produces some of the world’s best...
La Alborada. My museum of Mexican memorabilia.

La Alborada. My museum of Mexican memorabilia.

I couldn’t believe it came out of Don Day’s Wife’s mouth. It wasn’t like I hadn’t heard the word before. Just not in such a personal way. Or quite in that context. I thought I knew what the word meant. I thought it had something to do...
La Agustina. Smooth sailing on their maiden voyage.

La Agustina. Smooth sailing on their maiden voyage.

My ship has sails that are made of silk, The decks are trimmed with gold, And of jam and spice There’s a paradise In the hold. I’d been waiting a long, long time. But I knew somehow, someday my ship would come in. Well not exactly a ship. Not in the middle...
Sweet Caroline. So good, so good, so good.

Sweet Caroline. So good, so good, so good.

And so cheap, so cheap, so cheap. Santa Carolina. It’s the largest family of wines you’ll find at Canada’s largest liquor store, conveniently…or perhaps that’s inconveniently…located just two blocks from Don Day’s Toronto...
Climbing a mountain. All for a down-to-earth dish.

Climbing a mountain. All for a down-to-earth dish.

Climb every mountain, Ford every stream, Follow every rainbow, Til you find your dream. “You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground.” People had been saying it to Don Day for years. And they were right. But not any more. Thanks of all things...
San Miguel’s most loved dish has found a lovely new home.

San Miguel’s most loved dish has found a lovely new home.

Last March, I had the pleasure of helping to organize the San Miguel de Allende Readers Taste awards or SMARTs for short. We drank and ranked some cheap wines. La Frontera served up some fine food. And our guests filled in a lot of ballots. They chose Pizza Pig for...