It all sounded wonderful at first. Take the proven shopping mall food court concept and move it into town with a little more warmth, charm and selection for the clients and a lot more affordability for the tenants. Over 70 entrepreneurial individuals and businesses...
I went to Spain a couple of months ago. By way of Celaya in Central Mexico. Enjoyed the trip immensely. Thanks to an amazing tour guide called Costco. The retailer did an extraordinarily good job of finding the very best values from all over the country. With only one...
It was a fairly typical late afternoon. “You know we’ve got zero plans for dinner. Nothing much in the fridge. I’ve just spent the last two days cooking for your friends”, said Don Day’s Wife. “Why don’t we order in.” Now, usually ordering in means something that we...
I’d lost touch with Maria. I’m not sure who was the most to blame. Maria for moving so often. Or me for not hunting her down. She’d always been one of my favorite San Miguel chefs. And, when it came to putting value on a plate, there may have never been anyone better...
There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.” Oscar Wilde Every morning I get an email from a Facebook site. It carries the not so catchy headline: [CivilSMA1] Civil San Miguel de Allende, formerly Civil SMA...
WARNING: If you have a fear of too much fat in your diet, I highly recommend you read no further. You may be led, recklessly, astray. Pastrami. What can I say? Perhaps the most wonderful thing that mankind has ever done to meat. And all mostly an accident. Pastrami...
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