I’m usually very ho hum when a new Italian restaurant opens in San Miguel de Allende. We’ve already got at least five good ones. And we’ve already got a lot of overlap in the dishes they’re putting on tables. But the latest one had me...
Don Day’s Wife has been called a lot of names. And, unlike many that I’ve been called, all of hers are printable. She’s sometimes called Sharona, like the woman who’s never gonna stop, never give it up in the song by The Knack. She’s sometimes known as...
Even though they’re the only two Sicilians that I’ve ever met in Mexico, I do understand why they’d move to San Miguel de Allende. It’s probably because, like me, they just might think it’s the most absolutely wonderful place in the...
Serves two. For more or less people, adjust quantities accordingly. This is the full length version; for the condensed version, omit steps one to four. 1. At approximately 1:00 pm, turn on Netflix. 2. Even though you detest using the cumbersome Netflix SEARCH...
OK, let’s get this out of the way right off the top. This ain’t your mother’s porchetta. Not if you were a kid who comes from an Italian family in Hartford or Philadelphia or on the Jersey shore. Or a kid like me who was raised with Italian kids in...
No, I’m not going to tell you which restaurant it is. You’re going to tell me. For it’s time again for the SMART awards. The annual event where I ask Don Day in SMA readers to tell me your favorite restaurants. SMART stands for San Miguel de Allende...
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