“Mexico is in its markets.” – Pablo Neruda. I think Mexico City is a world class city. And I mean really world class. Up there with Paris and London and Florence and Barcelona and New York and Kyoto and Istanbul. In one way, Mexico City is even better than...
Don’t tell me you’ve never said it. I’m talking about what you do after going online to check your favorite Chinese restaurant’s menu. Or, if you’re still living in the 20th Century like I am, pulling the paper menu out of the don’t...
Don Day gets emails. Not a lot of emails. Maybe a couple each week. Most of them are short and sweet emails. Occasionally they are short and sour emails. Recently I received one that wasn’t short and sweet or short and sour. It was long. So long and so...
I traditionally spend the month of May in Toronto. Which means, of course, that I miss the Cinco de Mayo festivities in San Miguel. Well, actually, I don’t. Not for the last three years anyway. You see I’m very lucky in that one of the best things about...
“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Where did that line from? I can’t count the number of people who’ve used it on me. All because Don Day doesn’t usually eat breakfast. It just doesn’t make sense. I mean how could...
It’s taken me a long time to write about El Cincuenta y Ocho. It wasn’t that I hadn’t been there. I was there on the day it opened. And a few days after that. And a week or two later. And a couple of times again recently. So what took me so long to...
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