I arrived in Toronto in the mid-seventies and, in those days, the most affordable place to dine was what we called the Goulash Archipelago. There, on Bloor Street West, we would eat dinnerplate-sized schnitzels and drink a red called Szekszardi by the litre at places...
OK, so maybe I’m not your average guy. Your average guy sits in his La-Z-Boy on a Sunday. One hand gripping a Bud. The other clutching the remote. Me. I go dancing in the desert. But let me explain. A couple of years ago, this place called Zandunga opened up. I wasn’t...
Having had, let’s say, more than a few problems getting along with one partner in my life, I can’t imagine having eight. But there’s a group of nine guys, equal partners, in San Miguel de Allende, who, working together, are building a very appealing restaurant. The...
No, I’m not going to tell you which restaurant it is. You’re going to tell me. For it’s time again for the SMART awards. The annual event where I ask Don Day in SMA readers to tell me your favorite restaurant. SMART stands for San Miguel de Allende Readers Taste and,...
“You know if you had really, really been intent on entrapping me on my wedding night, you wicked woman, you would not have dabbed yourself with Joy, but in Essence of Smoked Meat. A maddening aphrodisiac, made from spices available in Schwartz’s...
Chianti may not have been the first wine I ever bought. But I’m sure it was close. And like a lot of firsts in life, it has become a cherished memory. I know why I bought it. And you probably did too. I bought it for the fiasco, which is what the bottle inside the...
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