Borscht. One very good reason to visit Verintort.

Borscht. One very good reason to visit Verintort.

“Pokhlebkin and the Soviet Union are dead, yet Borshchland lives on. Recipes, like birds, ignore political boundaries … The faint outline of the Tsarist-Soviet imperium still glimmers in the collective steam off bowls of beetroot and cabbage in meat stock, and...
When it’s prime time, it’s time for a drive to California.

When it’s prime time, it’s time for a drive to California.

When mighty roast beef was the Englishman’s food, It ennobled our brains and enriched our blood. Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good. Oh! the roast beef of old England. Roast beef is in my blood. I was born in England…in Hereford, no less, home...
Everything’s coming up rosés. And good affordable ones in Mexico.

Everything’s coming up rosés. And good affordable ones in Mexico.

It was the first bottle of wine I ever bought. A rosé. Turner’s Rosé. You see they didn’t ask for ID at the Turner’s shop. And Turner’s Rosé was $1.30 a bottle, the cheapest bottle of wine anywhere in town. I graduated to Mateus (loved the shape of the hip flask...
The single best taco in all of San Miguel.

The single best taco in all of San Miguel.

A table of tacos outdid me And put out my amorous fire; For when I got on bended knee, To eat was her sole desire. From La Taquiza by Chava Flores There are two schools of thought about the tacos at Taco Lab Tacolicious. The first school says this isn’t the place to...