When Don Day was thirteen, Don Day wanted to be just like Dad and, every Saturday morning, Don Day’s Dad went to the market. I thought the most difficult portion of this ritual would be rising at 6:00 am but I was to discover something else that took an even...
White foam arose from the immortal flesh and with it a girl grew. And the girl, Aphrodite, floated ashore on a scallop shell. A new chef had sailed into town. And people were saying she was putting magic on plates. I knew I had to have her conjure up some of those...
Every year, one of my favorite things to do is compile Don Day’s “best of” list. The choices don’t necessarily come from the best restaurants. They’re simply the best dishes. But you can presume that a restaurant that makes at least one...
We didn’t give a wino’s whistle what was inside. We bought it for the fiasco, which is what the bottle inside the raffia basket that it came in was called. And how appropriate that this unusually shaped bottle wrapped in straw shares its name with a word...
Dinner and a movie. With a side order of music. Is there a much better way to spend a Saturday night? For me the routine started in 1974. I’d landed a job in the big city of Toronto. And they were foolishly paying me the obscene amount of $10,000 a year. And I...
A head-scratcher. That’s what I would have called it when I was a kid. Before I’d learned words like conundrum and enigma. I’m talking about coffee and Mexico. Here’s a country that experts believe produces some of the world’s best...
I couldn’t believe it came out of Don Day’s Wife’s mouth. It wasn’t like I hadn’t heard the word before. Just not in such a personal way. Or quite in that context. I thought I knew what the word meant. I thought it had something to do...
My ship has sails that are made of silk, The decks are trimmed with gold, And of jam and spice There’s a paradise In the hold. I’d been waiting a long, long time. But I knew somehow, someday my ship would come in. Well not exactly a ship. Not in the middle...
And so cheap, so cheap, so cheap. Santa Carolina. It’s the largest family of wines you’ll find at Canada’s largest liquor store, conveniently…or perhaps that’s inconveniently…located just two blocks from Don Day’s Toronto...
Climb every mountain, Ford every stream, Follow every rainbow, Til you find your dream. “You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground.” People had been saying it to Don Day for years. And they were right. But not any more. Thanks of all things...
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