Don Day wanted to write about the better mezcals available in San Miguel shops. But being a retired old age pensioner of modest means (everybody say aaaaahhhh!!!), I couldn’t afford to actually go out and buy a bunch of bottles.
So I came up with a plan…OK, maybe scheme is a better word. Invite a few Don Day readers to join me in the sampling, get their opinions on which of the ones we taste are their favorites, use their quotes in the write-up, and have them pay their fair share for the fancy mezcals. I asked Kenny Peters, the most agreeable proprietor of Dean Martini’s House of Blues if we could mess up his house rather than mine. And he said “let’s do it”. So here’s the fine print.
MEZCALOOZA. A tasting of fine mezcals.
Dean Martini’s House of Blues
Hidalgo #29
San Miguel de Allende
Thursday, November 6, 2014
7:00 pm
$395 pesos per person (cash please).
Food will be served but, even though it will be enough for dinner, it will be of the very cheap and cheerful variety so we can allocate most of the loot to the liquor.
RSVP. Space is very limited so I’m taking the first 15 to reply by email. Just send a quick note to with the subject line saying Mezcalooza and your name (and any others if you’re more than one) in the body of the message.
And if you’re coming, please take a taxi.
Please do this again in the new year when many SMA regulars will be eager to attend!!
What a riot! Next time we’re in!
If you make this a annual event I will attend next year. Won’t get back to SMA till the 19th. Poor planning on my part.