I still fondly remember Bhaji’s first home in San Miguel, a classy and cosy little spot hidden behind heavy velvet curtains on Calle Correo. I loved going there, especially with a group of good friends. Indian cuisine is like that. Better when shared. Best when...
A great restaurant is a combination of many things. First of course, for almost everyone, is the food. Second in importance for me is value, what I get for the price that I pay. Third comes service, being treated efficiently, gracefully and respectfully. And then...
There are a lot of good chef bio flicks. Two of the most highly acclaimed by the critics will be featured at this year’s Food in Film Festival in San Miguel de Allende. One is “Ellen Brennan: Commanding The Table”. The other is a personal favorite of mine, “Love,...
Back in December 2021, I said to Don Day’s Wife, “A pizza parlor with no pasta and no delivery. Not a snowball’s chance in hell it’ll survive. I give it one year, absolute max!” The place I was talking about was called Bennu. They recently celebrated their third...
It was my wine discovery of the year in 2024. Yes, the 3 for 2 sales at Soriana and La Comer in December are great bargains but this is a sale at my favorite Mexican wine shop with many of my favorite wines. You buy six and you get 150 pesos off the price (of each and...
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