Most of the time Don Day’s Wife and I share the shopping duties. She tends to do the supermarkets. I tend to do the not so super markets. About every two weeks though we do what we call the big shop. This is the one where we replenish the laundry detergent, the...
February 29 is your last chance to vote in the SMART awards. It’s the annual event where I ask Don Day in SMA readers to tell me your favorite restaurants. SMART stands for San Miguel de Allende Readers Taste and, to vote, requires only a quick email. The only...
No, I’m not going to tell you which restaurants they are. You’re going to tell me. For it’s time again for the SMART awards. The annual event where I ask Don Day in SMA readers to tell me your favorite restaurants. SMART stands for San Miguel de Allende Readers Taste...
Do you know the muffin man, The muffin man, the muffin man, Do you know the muffin man, Who works at the Liverpool mall? I’d been waiting 16 years to eat a perfect eggs benedict in San Miguel de Allende. That wait is finally over. I’ve always been able to find decent...
I can’t remember how many people had mentioned it in the past. But two different people did it again on my last visit to the restaurant. And told me with unbridled gusto. “The best, the very best sandwich in San Miguel” one of them said. I’d thought about having it a...
Gourmet food courts. They’re usually called Mercado This or Mercado That in Mexico. The concept originally sounded absolutely amazing to me. Take a few good chefs making a lot of the world’s best dishes and put them all in one place sharing tables and chairs, sharing...
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