ODing on fresh truffles at Casa Nostra. And loving it.

ODing on fresh truffles at Casa Nostra. And loving it.

It’s always been a problem with Don Day’s Wife and I. I want to do it, she doesn’t. I’m talking, of course, about splurging on truffles. “They’ve got fresh ones at City Market, Honey. They’re only $12,000 a kilo. We could get a second mortgage.” Yes, they’re an...
In a kafuffle over truffles. In Istria.

In a kafuffle over truffles. In Istria.

For the normal man, September is the start of football season. For Don Day, September is the start of truffle season. As I write this, I am not in front of my 60-inch Samsung, checking my fantasy league performance; I am in the heart of truffle country hoping to...
Rediscovering Riojas paired with fabulous food.

Rediscovering Riojas paired with fabulous food.

Don Day first discovered Campo Viejo Rioja about 30 years ago. I was on holiday in Spain and going through an image transition. I was trying to leave the slob behind that only I loved and metamorphose (I think it’s a word) into one of the sophisticates who...