I’m not sure how it escaped the fanatical Mexican foodie. But I had never tasted it before in my life. Never had even heard of it in my life. The dish was karne en su jugo. Or as it’s usually spelled, carne en su jugo. Or, as a language-challenged guy like...
“He’s a treasure. He’s been here forever.” Those words came out of the mouth of Don Day’s Wife. And the word “treasure” doesn’t come out of her mouth very often unless she fancies an old Bogie flick. Fellow foodie Andy...
I had lunch with Lou Christine last week. If you spend any time in San Miguel bars you may have seen Lou Christine. Lou is the guy in the hat. The guy in the ever present hat. I’ve always wondered what Lou kept under his hat so, last week, I suggested we have...
It was a mystery that absolutely fascinated me. I’d stand on the other side of the street, on the north side of Calle Correo, and I’d watch. On the left was a business called Cumpanio. With a never ending stream of customers snaking their way in and out...
White water kayaking. Skydiving. Helicopter skiing. Motorcycle acrobatics. I love those extreme sports. Those sports where man risks life and limb in order to be considered the best at something. Most of them are strictly spectator sports. But today I actually...
Don Day’s Wife and I had a food plan for Friday. We’d have lunch somewhere. Then we’d walk over to Mega. We’d pick up a few hundred grams of the biggest shrimp they have, two or three buds of garlic, a bunch of Italian parsley, a 250 gram pack...
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