The very best restaurants in San Miguel de Allende.

The very best restaurants in San Miguel de Allende.

No, I’m not going to tell you which restaurants they are. You’re going to tell me. For it’s time again for the SMART awards. The annual event where I ask Don Day in SMA readers to tell me your favorite restaurants. SMART stands for San Miguel de Allende Readers Taste...
I’ve found my muffin man!

I’ve found my muffin man!

Do you know the muffin man, The muffin man, the muffin man, Do you know the muffin man, Who works at the Liverpool mall? I’d been waiting 16 years to eat a perfect eggs benedict in San Miguel de Allende. That wait is finally over. I’ve always been able to find decent...
James Beard: America’s First Foodie.

James Beard: America’s First Foodie.

“I may have brought French cooking to America, but Jim brought American cooking to America.” Julia Child I was about 30 when I came out as a foodie. It was when I decided that I might want to spend part of my Sunday afternoons looking through a glass door of an oven...
Ooey gooey goodness. At Inside Cafe.

Ooey gooey goodness. At Inside Cafe.

I can’t remember how many people had mentioned it in the past. But two different people did it again on my last visit to the restaurant. And told me with unbridled gusto. “The best, the very best sandwich in San Miguel” one of them said. I’d thought about having it a...
I’ve got a new source for affordable beef in San Miguel.

I’ve got a new source for affordable beef in San Miguel.

If you ask people about my eating habits, they will tell you that I, enthusiastically and passionately, eat virtually anything and everything. The crawly, the weird, the squiggly, the strange, the creepy, the ghastly, the eerie, the ugly. It’s true. I do. But I’m also...
Which wines go best with bagels?

Which wines go best with bagels?

I had a quandary. I wanted to feature the bagels created by San Miguel’s El Brillo and the wines distributed by Hédoné Experience SMA. And I wanted to do it at the same meal. Breakfast? Nah! Even I don’t drink wine at breakfast. Lunch? Bagels at lunch? Of course. Wine...
My romance with romeritos.

My romance with romeritos.

I’d only ever seen them in Mexico and, until recently, I thought they were gone from my diet forever, maybe even extinct. These tasty little plants called romeritos used to show up every winter in San Miguel de Allende. Then disappeared. But there they were, back in...