A big shout out to the kitchen at Bulla Gastronómico.

A big shout out to the kitchen at Bulla Gastronómico.

I had to look up the word bulla. A noun, female, said the 2021 Word Reference Dictionary, best translated as ruckus, commotion, racket, uproar. Interesting. I wondered if I’d soon be raisin’ a ruckus about the new San Miguel restaurant with the unlikely name of Bulla...
Cecina. Mexico’s way of making beef even better.

Cecina. Mexico’s way of making beef even better.

You’ll find it in quite a few countries. With quite a few different names. The one most internationally talked about is bresaola, the one from Northern Italy. The one I’m going to talk about is cecina, the one you’ll find here in Central Mexico. I decided to talk...